Traveling to Thassos
One of the nice things about traveling independently is that you have total control over when and for how long you take your holiday. The 7-day stay can become 9 days, 12 days, 20 days or even more if you desire. Use your holiday time so that you get the most out of it.
Coming to Thassos is easy and can cost less than you think.
Follow these simple steps to start planning your stay here:1Decide how long you can stay and what the dates of your stay will be. Remember, traveling independently means you can stay ANY number of days you would like. You are not limited to 7 or 14 days as you would be if traveling with a tour operator.
2Now that you have your dates, time to find your flights. You should be looking for direct flights to Thessaloniki (SKG) or Kavala (KVA) airports in Greece, or on to Kavala via a short domestic flight if you fly to Athens (ATH). Flying into Thessaloniki may be cheaper than flying directly into Kavala. (Your own preferred tour operator may have seat only places on their charter flights but that will mean you are restricted to 7 or 14 days of course). Note, there are no flights between Thessaloniki and Kavala. Thessaloniki is a straight-forward two-hour drive to Keromoti where you will catch the ferry to Thassos. The drive is easy and well signposted and it means you will save some money over flying into Kavala. If that's not a concern of yours, then flying into Kavala will be the most direct means of accessing Thassos as the airport is a mere 20 minutes away from the ferry port.
3Now that you have found your flights, you will work on getting a taxi or hiring a car from the Thessaloniki airport to transfer you to Keromoti. If you want a taxi for one to four persons, the cost is about 140 – 160 Euros for the trip to the ferry port in Keromoti. On the other hand, car hire could cost as low as 50-60 Euro for that trip. Email several car hire agencies for prices to get the best deals. Who knows, you may even want to rent the car for your entire holiday. If you fly into Kavala, your best option is to take a taxi to the ferry port which will cost you approximately 20 euros, depending on how many bags you have.
4The ferry prices are on the Ferry company web page, and they run very frequently all summer.
5Now, the fun part, deciding where you will stay for your holiday. Just remember that accommodations can start for as little as 30 Euros for two persons and go up to over 100 Euro depending on where you want to stay and when you will stay there. Remember May, June, September, and October are much less expensive months than in July and August. Minimum rental periods are 7 days, except by special arrangement.